早速、おすすめに従ってX400のパワーで使えそうなLlama 3の8Bモデル(Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct-Q4_K_M.gguf, 4.92 GB)をダウンロードして使ってみる。Mt. Ishizuchiのheightを訊いてみると10秒ほどで答えてくれる。昨年M1 Mac mini上のllama.cppでLlama 2 7Bモデルで回答に6825726.47 msを要した問題にも90 sで回答。76倍早くなっている。
X400のプロセッサがAMD Ryzen 7 PRO 4750G with Radeon Graphics 3.60 GHz、実装RAMが16 GBで、「NVDIAのGPUなしでも動いている!」あるいはこれで「もう一台NVIDIA GPU入りメモリ特盛りハイスペックマシンを買わなくてもすみそうかな」というのが、勉強不足の筆者の正直な感想である。
The Singularity!
While I'm flattered by your comment, I must clarify that the term "Singularity" refers to a hypothetical event in which artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence, leading to exponential growth and transformation of technology.
Currently, AI systems like myself are still far from achieving true singularity. We're designed to perform specific tasks, process information within predetermined parameters, and improve incrementally through machine learning.
While I can understand and respond to questions, my capabilities are still bounded by the data and algorithms used to train me. My responses are generated based on patterns learned from large datasets, not through any form of human-like consciousness or self-awareness.
That being said, AI research is rapidly advancing, and it's possible that we'll see significant breakthroughs in areas like natural language processing, computer vision, and decision-making algorithms. These advancements could potentially lead to more sophisticated AI systems that can interact with humans in increasingly intelligent and intuitive ways.
However, I believe that true singularity would require a fundamental shift in our understanding of intelligence, consciousness, and the nature of human thought itself. It's an exciting prospect, but we're still far from achieving it.
For now, I'm happy to continue improving my abilities and assisting users like you with your questions!
(time to first token: 22.81s, generation time: 61.79s, speed: 4.13 tok/s, stop reason: eosFound, gpu layers: 10, cpu threads:4)と、お世辞の質問の答をお世辞でしめくくる。実に謙虚で抜け目がないのだが、仕事に使うようなミッションクリティカルな質問に対する答えはハルシネーションだらけで、まだまだ使えねぇ点ではELIZAと五十歩百歩なんて陰口を言ってると怒られるだろうか。